Fresh coffee
Digital scale
Wooden spoon
Paper filter or Able Stainless Steel Filter
Brewing/Decanting Vessel
Conceived by Aerobie, the AeroPress is a peculiar and lovely device - easily the most durable and portable option for brewing quality coffee. It produces a cup that’s thick and focused, but still quite nuanced.
Bring to a boil enough water for both the AeroPress and your brew vessel. 300 grams ought to do it.
Insert a paper filter, or Able’s Stainless Steel Filter into the AeroPress’ detachable plastic cup. If using a paper filter, rinse over your brewing vessel with just enough of your brewing water to remove any paper or bleach flavors and prewarm your vessel.
Weigh out 15 grams of coffee.
Grind your coffee. AeroPress calls for a fine grind - just a bit more so than drip coffee.
Assemble your AeroPress. Make sure the entire assembly is dry since any residual moisture can compromise the device’s seal.
Place it on your scale with the flared end up, then tare the weight. The numbers should appear upside-down. It’s possible to attach the black filter cap and place it right-side-up, but this tends to cause leakage and make accurate brewing slightly more difficult.
Add your ground coffee. Be careful not to spill any grounds into the ring-shaped gutter at the top of the AeroPress (the included funnel can aid with this), as this can make attaching the cap difficult later on.
Add twice the volume of water to your amount of grounds. For example, if you’ve got 15 grams of coffee, add 30 grams of water. Your water ought to be about 200 degrees F.
Gently immerse the grounds with the included paddle or wooden spoon. The goal here is not to stir so much as it is to guarantee even saturation. Let this sit for 30 seconds to “bloom”.
Use the remainder of the hot water to fill the chamber.
After a minute has elapsed, stir grounds 10 times to agitate.
Fasten the cap, ensuring it locks into the grooves tightly. Flip the whole assembly over with haste and control. Position it atop your brew vessel and begin applying downward pressure. You will experience about 30 pounds of resistance here. If the pushing feels too easy, your grind is likely too coarse; if it’s very hard to push, chances are the grind is too fine. Your coffee is fully brewed once it begins to make a hissing sound. This means there is no more water to push through the device. Pour an additional 30g of water into the finished brew and give it a quick stir to bring it to the proper brew ratio.
Once you’ve unscrewed the cap, you can pop out the filter and the puck of condensed grounds by simply pushing the AeroPress’ interior section a final inch.
Pour your coffee and serve.